Weight Loss Tips
41. Eat a Substantial Lunch.This is when your digestive juices are at their strongest, so you should have your largest meal of the day at this time.
42. Eat a Light Dinner. Your body is starting to slow down at this time, and this includes your digestive power. Try to avoid a heavy meal and keep in mind that meats take a long time to digest, so are best avoided later in the day.
43. Use Sea Salt Instead of Regular Salt. All of the nasty stuff that industrial grade salt is blamed for is not true for sea salt. In fact sea salt can help the body absorb and utilize the water that you drink.
44. Stop Smoking. It’s typical to gain some weight when you stop smoking, so if you’re overweight and a smoker you should cut out the cigarettes first, and then work on losing the excess pounds.
45. Have More Sex. This is one way to burn more calories and have fun at the same time.
46. Cut Back or Cut Out Alcohol. Alcohol not only contains a lot of calories, it’s also toxic to the liver, and the liver has a big role to play on making sure your colon, heart, and other organs are working in proper order.
47. Decide If You’re Going to Have a Free Day. A lot of modern workout programs include a free day, where you’re authorized to eat what you’ve been craving, skip on the exercise and then get back to the program the next day. You’ll need to decide if this will work for you, or if you think it would be too hard to go back to the program after a day of cheating.
48. Get a Few Wins Under Your Belt. If you’re coming off a long string of dieting losses, try setting a few weight loss goals that you are pretty sure you can achieve. This will boost your confidence in your abilities, and allow you to go after bigger goals down the road.
49. Get a Makeover. Getting a new body involves getting a new hairstyle and some new clothes. Make it a total body makeover and honor the new you that’s emerging.
50. Go the Extra Mile. Not literally, unless you want to, but Napoleon Hill includes this as one of the things that separates winners from losers. Those that succeed are willing to do a little more than the rest of the masses, and that’s why they get the things that few people have.
51. Simplify the Process. Apply the 80/20 principle to your current weight loss efforts. Find the 20% of things that are producing 80% of your results and do more of those things. Considering cutting down on or eliminating unfruitful actions.
52. Discover Five Things You Can’t Do Now. This is a way to not only see how far you’ve got to go, but it will be amazing to see how far you’ve come. If you can’t walk up three flights of stairs without being out of breath, one day you will and that will help you quantify your achievement.
53. Research Your Local Area. Scour your local area for exercise facilities, basketball, tennis, and racquetball courts, saunas, swimming pools, yoga classes, and nutritionists. That way you’ll have a go-to list of places to help you along your journey.
54. Check Your Sources. It’s hard to take advice from someone that doesn’t have what you want. Make sure your source is in the sort of shape you’d expect them to be in order to be dishing out health and fitness advice.
55. Fly Like Peter Pan. When Peter Pan had to learn to fly it was suggested that he hold just one happy thought in order to move the process along. That same wisdom can be applied to your current situation. Think happy thoughts while you’re trying to lose weight, and your efforts will be multiplied.
56. Don’t Get Overloaded with Information. With so much information out there, both good and bad, it can be hard to know what’s right and what isn’t. Plus, you might get lost in the information-gathering phase and not take step one towards getting yourself in better shape. Get just enough information to move forward, and then get a little more as you go along.
57. Question Why You Do Unhealthy Things. It’s often interesting to delve into where bad habits started from. When exactly did you start doing the things you’re trying to stop? What gave you the idea that it was OK? The answers can be enlightening, but don’t spend too much time in self-analysis.
58. Tell a New Story. Start telling it how you want it to be, instead of how it is. If you’re old story painted you as overweight and out of shape, start telling a new story. First, one of transformation, and then one of achievement, health, and happiness.
59. Read Self-Improvement Books. Keeping positive and upbeat while losing weight can be hard at first, and these books will give you the guidance and right thinking to help you through it.
60. Don’t Overwork Your Body. Unless a bunch of eating contests caused your weight gain, you don’t have to go to extremes to lose weight.