Low Carb & High Protein Foods to Build Lean Muscle

When trying to build lean muscle, many people focus all of their efforts on their workout. Though fitness will of course play into the ability to add lean muscle to the body, diet plays equally as important of a role. To get the lean muscle that you want, you need to eat a lot of protein—but not all protein is created equally!
The foods represented on this list are the very best options. They are low in carb and high in protein, which makes them some of the best out there. Some you may already be eating and others are worth trying out for a tasty new addition to your eating regimen. Rather than eating the same tired protein every day, try to enjoy what you eat by mixing it up with these foods.
Always pay attention to the serving size which is represented for you in each food. You will find that building lean muscle can be a delicious venture. Use these foods to fuel your workouts and to find meals and snacks that you truly enjoy. You can create a healthy and enjoyable journey to change the shape of your body and get the results you have always wanted—and here are the foods to help you to do just that.
1. Chicken Breast:
Chicken breast is an excellent choice as it’s not only high in protein, but it’s low in fat and calories. It’s lean because it’s white meat, and therefore a good choice. A typical serving size to aim for is a 3 ounce chicken breast, or about the size of your fist. Try grilling or broiling chicken and using herbs and seasoning to add flavor, and then add to salad, soup, or feature as the main entrée. Excellent for building lean muscle, and a tasty main staple to your diet! Serving size 3 oz, 30 grams of protein, 110 calories.
2. Ground Turkey:
Ground turkey is such a versatile and healthy way to enjoy protein. It’s high in protein, low in calories, and can be cooked up and used in just about anything. A typical serving is 3 ounces cooked and you can learn to easily substitute it for ground beef. Add some herbs and you can use it in spaghetti sauce, chili, or make into meatballs or burgers. You will love the flavor and versatility and the fact that it makes for a much leaner protein source than higher calorie alternatives out there. Serving size 3 oz, 21 grams of protein, 195 calories.
3. Pork Tenderloin:
Many don’t consider how tasty and protein packed pork can be in the quest to build lean muscle. One of the best types to select is pork tenderloin, and a typical serving size is a 4 ounce piece. It can be easily grilled or broiled for a quick, easy, and healthy cooking method. You can add simple marinades or seasoning to bring out the flavor. It’s leaner than you think and packed with protein, it may become a fixture in your eating regimen. Serving size 4oz, 23 grams of protein, 154 calories.
4. Lean Ground Beef:
Yes you can and should enjoy ground beef, but just be sure that you opt for lean cuts. A 90/10 mix incorporates enough fat to give it flavor without the unhealthy calories that you don’t need. Typically you want to aim for a 3 ounce portion which you can enjoy in a variety of different forms. Though you want to be sure not to add too much filler that can contribute to fat and calories, this is a great protein source to turn to once or twice a week. Serving size 3oz, 16 grams of protein, 148 calories.
5. Steak (Lean Cut):
You can enjoy steak, but you want to be sure to go for a lean cut to begin with. Trim away all visible fat to ensure that you are getting something truly good for your eating regimen. Believe it or not you can enjoy a T-bone steak but limit to a 5 ounce serving and keep it as lean as possible, also removing the bone. This is not a protein to enjoy daily, but it’s a good one to rotate and enjoy in your diet as it’s packed with protein. Serving size 5oz, 29 grams of protein, 206 calories.
6. Lamb:
Most people don’t tend to think of lamb in terms of a good protein source, but it really is. Obviously you want to go for leaner cuts and that means boneless in this instance. Trimming away all visible fat always helps, and then you can enjoy a very significant protein source. Though it does contain a bit more calories, you can mix it with healthy fillers like root vegetables and sauces made from scratch to ensure it’s a good solid choice. Don’t make this your primary protein source, but do enjoy it within your eating plan for some enjoyment. Serving size 3oz, 20 grams of protein, 248 calories.
7. Veal:
It may be an acquired taste, but veal can prove to be an excellent protein source. You want to opt for the leaner cuts and in this case that is veal shank, loin, or even chop. The typical serving size for a veal shank is 3 ounces and do keep in mind that the bone is a consideration as well. You get a lower calorie but protein sound option that you can include in your rotation. Even if you have never been a big fan of veal in the past, it’s well worth trying if your focus is on building lean muscle through effective protein blending. Serving size 3oz, 16 grams of protein, 96 calories.
8. Ham:
Ham can be a good protein source, but you do need to be mindful of serving size. If you are diligent about the slice size then you can enjoy a significant protein allotment without a lot of calories. The thing to keep in mind with ham is that the sodium can be high and so whenever possible, try to get a lower sodium type. Chopped up and tossed with vegetables, this can be a satisfying protein and a nice change of pace from the usual sources you consume. Try ham once in awhile and just keep an eye on your portion size for best results. Serving size 1 medium slice, 11 grams of protein, 114 calories.
10. Bison:
Though this hasn’t been a recognizable or mainstream source of protein, it has recently been getting a lot of attention. You can enjoy some significant protein with this cut of meat while keeping the calories very low. You will find bison featured on many forward thinking restaurant menus with good reason. If you prepare in a healthy way such as ground with vegetables or even a lean cut, then you can really enjoy your protein in a whole new way. You can expect this to replace fattier alternatives as it becomes such a recognized form of protein.
Serving size 3oz, 18 grams of protein, 93 calories.