Green Foods: What You Need to Know!
Peas are known for being low in calories. Their quantity of 100 g contains about 81 calories that make them healthy food items. Moreover, they are rich in dietary fibers and it means that those suffering from constipation and those making efforts to reduce their weights can make good use of them.
Alpha-linolenic acid is a healthy omega-3 fatty acid which is found in adequate amount in green peas. Other nutritional components in them are phytosterols, lectins and vitamin K. Because of the health benefits they offer, peas can be a part of everyones diet for reasons other than their taste and appearance.
Green peas have a starchy, slightly sweet taste, and these tiny vegetables are extremely popular are believed to be one of the earliest food crops the mankind succeeded to cultivate. Starchy, and sweet green peas or garden peas is one of the ancient cultivated vegetables grown for their succulent nutritious green-pods. Peas are probably originated in the sub-Himalayan plains of north-west India. Now, this versatile legume is a of the major commercial crops grown all around the temperate and semi-tropical regions.
They are available from the family of legumes and they are scientifically known as pisum sativum. They come in pods and they are seen as a a spherical shape. They can be used in cooking and preparation of several different types of dishes and they are commonly available within their fresh form during the spring and also the early months of the winter. Peas are actually an excellent source of numerous different types of proteins, essential minerals and other important nutrients.
However, many of the most enjoyable and important health benefits of green peas remain underpublicized, and for that reason you may not realize just the reason why you could benefit from adding more of these peas to your diet. Continue reading to discover the nine most surprising and significant ways by which eating green peas can help to improve your quality of life by boosting your health.
Folic Acid
They are rich in a variety of antioxidants like Vitamin A, C and E that are helpful in maintaining good heart health. These essential nutrients are also useful for maintaining the bone strength. The phytonutrients present in them also showcase anti-oxidant properties that are required to deal with the damaging free radicals present in the body. For being rich in folic acid, green peas are recommended items for the pregnant women.

Fiber supports proper digestion and can help prevent constipation, a common problem in babies starting solid foods.
Many other B complex vitamins like niacin and thiamine are also present in them. The consumers of these seeds are known to have proper blood cell synthesis. Anemia is one issue that peas can deal with. Fresh pea pods are excellent source of folic acid. 100 g provides 65 µg or 16% of recommended daily amounts of folates. Folates are B-complex vitamins required for DNA synthesis within the cell. Well established research studies claim that adequate folate rich foods in pregnant women would help prevent neural tube defects within the newborn babies.
Blood Sugar Regulation
High fibre slows and protein decelerates how fast sugars are digested. The anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory prevent or reverse insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes) All carbohydrates are natural sugars and starches without any white sugars or chemicals to bother with.
Improve Your Immune System
Green peas contain a large amount of vitamin A, with only one cup providing you with around 22% of your recommended daily intake. A diet that’s high in vitamin A strengthens your mucous membranes, which makes it harder for bacteria and viruses to infect your body. Some studies on immunity show an especially strong link between vitamin A consumption and protection against respiratory infections. Further, peas contain much more vitamin C, with one serving containing a lot more than 32% of your recommended daily intake, and vitamin C will even improve your resistance to disease.
Healthy Bones
Green peas are one of the highly recommended vegetable for healthy bones. The legume is really a good source of vitamin K1 which activates non-collagen protein within the bones. This nutrient also sustains calcium supplies within the bones. One cup of boiled peas provides about 50 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin K1. Inadequate vitamin K1 hinders mineralization of bones.
Protect You Against Stomach Cancer
Green peas have a polyphenol called coumestrol, and coumestrol has been the subject of some exciting new cancer research. Specifically, scientists in Mexico have discovered that eating at least one serving of green peas each day can dramatically reduce your chance of developing stomach cancer. A cup of green peas provides you with more than ten milligrams of coumestrol, and also the study indicated that an intake of anymore than 2 milligrams per day provides you with some protection against stomach cancer.
Improve Your Metabolism
A serving of green peas provide you with around 10% of your recommended daily consumption of zinc. As a result, eating plenty of green peas could help you to lose weight. It is because zinc helps to regulate your metabolism, encouraging your body to burn more calories quicker. Those who are deficient in zinc often gain unwanted weight more easily.