Get Healthy With A More Flexible Body
One of the greatest aspects about the human body is its ability to become flexible over time. This of course happens with the right training. If you have ever observed ballet dancers or gymnasts, you will notice that their bodies are extremely flexible thanks to years of training and practice. Flexibility is usually not an in-born physical trait. You need to work on it.
Exercise to be flexible:
The human body tends to stiffen over time if it gets no physical activity or exercise. People who exercise regularly are more flexible because their muscles are stretched and toned. So, if you would like to enhance your flexibility levels, then tone your muscles with a little exercise every day. Start with a regular 20 minute workout session and gradually increase the duration and intensity.
Join a dance class:
If you don’t think that exercising will be fun for you, then join a dance class. Dancing is another physical activity that can help your body loosen up and eventually become more flexible. There are several kinds of dances and dance classes you can choose from. However, if your aim is to be more flexible, then you will have to choose a dance form that allows you to stretch your muscles to the maximum, such as ballet.
Figure skating:
Figure skaters are another breed of people known to be flexible. Although it takes years of training and effort to become a professional skater, you can join a basic beginner’s course to become more flexible. If you don’t have the time then skate within your neighbourhood; it will help to some extent.
Stretching exercises at home:
Before you go to work, try to reserve some time to stretch your muscles every day. Basic stretches like touching your toes without bending your knees, touching your toes sideways at a tilt will help your body become more flexible over time. It would help to ask a professional personal trainer to teach you some stretching exercises.
Swim often:
Athletes are usually known to be a flexible lot because of the amount of exercise they get. However, not every sport helps in making the body flexible. Swimming is one of the few sports that can help your muscles become more flexible. Try to swim at least 2-3 times a week for a couple of months and you will experience the difference yourself.
Regular massage therapy:
Believe it or not, besides making you feel relaxed and rejuvenated, massages actually help in relaxing muscles, making them a little more flexible with time. Get massage therapies once a week, if you can, to make your body supple and flexible. In fact, it is because of the other wonders of a simple massage that in some countries babies are massaged with special baby oils.
Go for a brisk walk:
A brisk walk in itself will not help you become more flexible but it will tone your body. Regular brisk walks along with other activities like swimming and exercising will help your body be more flexible.
You must remember that your body needs constant physical activity to become flexible over time. Be patient when you want to be flexible because you will rarely see results overnight.
Take professional help from ballerinas and fitness experts:
Ballerinas or fitness experts will be able to give you precise and accurate advice on improving flexibility levels. Ask a professional to share some more exercise tips or dance tips with you. If you can, practice your dance moves with a professional so that it motivates you further.
Ask yourself if flexibility is a priority or whether staying fit is:
Sometimes, people mistake their desire to be fit with being flexible. Ask yourself why you want to be more flexible suddenly in life. Perhaps all you actually want is to improve your fitness levels. In your general day to day life you don’t need to be as flexible as a dancer or physical trainer. In that case, focus on being flexible enough so that your muscles are exercised. It is true that your flexibility can determine the nature of your physical health to a certain extent. However, that doesn’t mean that you need to be flexible enough to bend backwards. Work to improve your flexibility enough so that it helps you stay healthy as a person physically. Hire a personal trainer, join a fitness boot camp or workout with a friend. The options are many, but the most important thing is to excise.