Weight Loss Tips
101. Consider Cutting Back on Meat. The benefits of a vegetarian diet have been shown in fewer cases of heart disease and cancer. If you can’t bear the thought of cutting it out entirely, try confining it to lunchtime, the best time to eat meat since your digestion is strongest and it has a while to digest before bedtime.
102. Put the Blinders On. For the first few weeks or even the first month, don’t stop and check to see how you’re doing. Avoid mirrors, the scale, and seeing if your clothes fit better. Give yourself time to see more dramatic results.
103. It’s Not About Achieving Something Huge. It’s about starting on a small step that you can do today, and then doing that again and again. The byproduct will be that you’ve accomplished something huge.
104. Get Religious About Your Fitness Goals. Treat these new habits as sacred, and don’t let anything get in their way. It’s often about making it a priority in your life, much the same as you would for your loved ones, your faith, and other things you hold dear.
105. Watch for Other Positive Changes. Once you start getting yourself on the right track with food and exercise, be on the lookout for other positive things that will come into your life. This can help motivate you even more, and you’ll see just how powerful your actions are.
106. Do Yoga. The benefits of yoga are well-documented, and it works to get your mind and body on the same page.

Simple yoga poses, (also referred to as asanas,) are a great way to stretch out your body to prepare it for meditation. Even though the best time to do this is in the morning, it may work any time of the day.
107. Have Something to Look Forward To. Plan a trip or other fun thing so you have a future even to look forward to. It can help you stay positive and motivated, especially through long winter months.
108. Let Your Food Digest. If you eat when you’re not hungry it means the last food you ate is still digesting. Your system will stop digesting that, and start to work on the new food, leaving the old stuff partially digested. Not good for weight loss.
109. Skip the Pills and Potions. The answer is not in a bottle. If it were, everyone would be taking it. This often means you’re taking too short of a view.
110. Get Organized. If your life is a chaotic mess, it’s not really conducive to a weight loss program, and will only get in the way. Get your ducks in a row before starting up, but don’t use this as a way to delay your start.
111. Put It Down on Paper. Write down your weight loss goals, as well as your strategy to attain them. Read them daily. It’s so easy to forget or to change things that aren’t written down.
112. What’s the Deal with Calories? If calorie counting hasn’t worked in the past, try something different. Calories don’t have to be the enemy unless you make them out to be.
113. Don’t Bring It Into the House. Many times once we buy the food it’s going to get eaten. Shopping markets are well-designed traps, so get in and get out and just get what you need.
114. Get Into Alignment. You don’t have to visit a chiropractor. The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion is packed with techniques that will have you feeling great and wanting to exercise more.
115. Get On with the Rest of Your Life. Weight loss is a lot easier than many people make it out to be, and it doesn’t have to consume your entire life. Be sure to keep it in perspective.
116. Make the Process Fun. Who said diet and weight loss has to be a struggle? It seems to be the order of the day. Break the mold and have a great time!
117. Take More Steps. It doesn’t have to be 10,000, just make it a point to walk a little more each day. A pedometer helps immensely.
118. Combine Dieting, Strength Training, and Cardio. This is the synergistic trio that works every time. Good food leads to more energy, leads to more exercise, which leads to more lean muscle and cardiovascular strength.
119. Get a Personal Trainer. If you’re worried about price, just get the form down and then stop the sessions.
120. Get a Workout Buddy. Only if it works for you. For some it can be accountability, and for others it could be a codependent system of procrastination.
121. Be Aware of The Dip. Seth Godin talks about The Dip in the book of the same name. It’s the part when all the excitement of starting out wanes and you’re left with the task before you. Fight through the dip!
122. Avoid Temptations. Temptations can come in many forms, so be sure to keep your guard up. Plan ahead so you don’t get into the panicky starving mode and reach for anything.
123. Start with an Attainable Goal. If your goal is to lose 100 pounds, you might not believe you can do it. Try going after the first 30 and then seeing what the world looks like.
124. Drink Enough Water. The amount varies by the individual, but one way to measure it is through your urine. Clear to lightly colored is best, so tinker with it until you find your happy water levels.
125. Train Your Brain. There are many brain training software programs available that can improve your focus and ability to think more clearly. Weight loss is mostly a mental game, so beef up your mental muscle.
126. Small Changes Sustained Over Time Lead to Big Results. If overhauls and quantum leaps haven’t worked for you in the past, perhaps this is the time to apply a slow and methodical approach for success in the long run.
127. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff. For some dieters the first Cheeto eaten causes the entire system to collapse. Don’t let the big picture come crashing down because of one goof-up. It’s many goof ups accumulated over time that is the real problem. Keep calm and carry on.