Foods High in Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, that is, it is stored in body fat. It is found in both animal and plant sources. It mainly regulates calcium absorption, and thus indirectly bone mineralization and strength. Therefore, vitamin D is manufactured in skin by conversion of its precursor molecule, an intermediate product of cholesterol, in the presence of ultraviolet component in sunlight, hence it is also called sunshine vitamin.
Ten to fifteen minutes of exposure to sunlight twice a week suffices for the production of required amounts of vitamin D. Vitamin D is good for the heart, bones, muscles, and more. In short, it helps keep you feeling young and healthy in mind and body. If you’re worried about getting enough Vitamin D in the darker, colder seasons, you can add several Vitamin D rich foods to your diet to make sure you’re meeting the recommended amount each day.
1. Herring:
Herring, along with many other types of fish, is an excellent source of Vitamin D. A single fillet, or about 143 grams, brings over half the daily value of Vitamin D the body needs. It’s high in other nutrients as well, including protein, calcium, and phosphorus. Include more fish such as herring in your diet if you’re concerned about getting enough Vitamin D. Serving Size (1 fillet, or 143 grams), 306 IU of Vitamin D (51% DV), 290 calories.
2. White Mushrooms:
People absorb Vitamin D when they’re out in the sun, so it should be no surprise that the same is true for many vegetables. White mushrooms, also called white button mushrooms, are a fantastic source of Vitamin D when they’ve been exposed to the sun’s UV light while growing. They also provide a number of other health benefits, so adding them to your diet can improve your health all around. Serving Size (1 ounce), 8 IU of Vitamin D (1% DV), 20 calories.
3. Whole Milk:
Some of the milk you can find at the grocery store has been fortified with Vitamin D. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of fortified whole milk when you’re concerned about getting enough Vitamin D to keep you looking and feeling young and healthy. A cup of fortified whole milk provides the body with about 21% of the Vitamin D it needs for the day. Serving Size (1 cup), 124 IU of Vitamin D (21% DV), 160 calories.
4. Deli Ham:
A slice of ham that you buy at the deli contains enough Vitamin D to account for about 5% of the recommended amount of Vitamin D for the day. It’s a great way to add a quick Vitamin D boost when you need your fill. Like most deli meats, ham can be high in cholesterol and sodium, so be sure to enjoy it in moderation. Serving Size (1 slice), 28 IU of Vitamin D (5% DV), 26 calories.
5. Cod Liver Oil:
As you might have guessed from the name, cod liver oil comes from the liver of the cod fish. You can find it in oil form or in capsule form. And though it’s actually considered a supplement instead of a food, taking it is one of the easiest ways to get more Vitamin D. Serving Size (1 tsp), 450 IU of Vitamin D (75% DV), 41 calories.
6. Sushi:
The calories and health benefits of sushi can vary depending on the variety, but in general, four pieces of sushi may provide you with 2% of the recommended daily Vitamin D. All the Vitamin D in sushi comes from the raw fish used to prepare it. The rice and seaweed also provide important health benefits, and these are all reasons why many people consider sushi to be a healthy food choice. Serving Size (4 pieces), 14 IU of Vitamin D (2% DV), 130 calories.
7. Tofu:
Many soy products such as tofu are fortified with both calcium and Vitamin D, so be sure to check the labels when you’re at the grocery store. Fortified tofu can provide your body with as much as 39% of the daily recommended value of Vitamin D per 100 gram serving. It is also a high protein source! Serving Size (100 grams), 157 IU of Vitamin D (39% DV), 88 calories.
8. Swiss Cheese:
Vitamins D and C make a great duo, and both are essential in helping you feel healthier and look younger. Swiss cheese is a viable source of both of these vitamins, so if you’re worried you’re not getting enough of either in your diet, a quick way to help is by adding a slice of Swiss cheese to your sandwich or burgers, or sprinkling a handful of shredded cheese over your salad or pasta. Serving Size (1 slice), 6 IU of Vitamin D (1% DV), 106 calories.
9. Eggs:
A whole, large egg contains enough Vitamin D to account for about 7% of the daily recommended intake. And that’s not the only nutrient found in eggs that will help keep you healthy and young: eggs also contain protein, essential amino acids, choline, and sulphur. The wide variety of vitamins and minerals housed inside an egg are great for promoting healthy hair and nails, along with a healthy body overall. Serving Size (1 large egg), 44 IU of Vitamin D (7% DV), 102 calories.
10. Soy Milk:
Many people drink soy milk for the benefits of healthy soy. If you’re concerned about the amount of Vitamin D and calcium in soy milk versus whole milk, you don’t need to worry; soy milk is a viable source of both. One cup amounts to about 17% of the recommended Vitamin D for the day, and about 6% of the recommended amount of calcium. Serving Size (1 cup), 102 IU of Vitamin D (17% DV), 132 calories.