Super Foods Burn Fat & Help Lose Weight
20. Organic Lean Meats:
Lean meats are full of protein without all of the fat, but you want to make sure that you opt for organic if you’re trying to lose weight. With conventional meets they’re pumping the cows, pigs, and other animals full of so many antibiotics and growth hormones which ends up in the meat you’re eating. This can thwart your weight loss efforts. Organic meats aren’t going to contain more nutrients in them than ordinary meats, but it’s what they don’t have in them that makes the difference. If you can’t find organic, go with grass fed or all-natural.
21. Cantaloupe:
Some say that you burn more calories eating cantaloupe than what it contains. Whether or not that’s the case is up for debate, but this is still a great food to add to your repertoire for weight loss. It’s sweet, but it’s not high in calories the way most sweet things are. It also has fiber in it, even though it doesn’t taste like it does. It goes great in a fruit salad with other diet-assisting fruits like honeydew, strawberries, or simply by itself as a quick snack or sweet pick-me-up. Added bonus: it helps to make your skin look great.
22. Spinach:
Spinach is often a vegetable left on the plate of children, but adults are coming around to it since it really does contain a lot of good things in it for losing weight and general well-being. You can eat it in several different ways, fresh as a salad, in a can, and it also comes frozen. It works for weight loss by adding bulk to your stomach without tacking on the calories. This is a good vegetable to buy organic if you can, since conventional spinach picks up a lot of chemicals from the fields.
23. Green Tea:
Perhaps you knew that green tea is packed with antioxidants, but did you also know that it can help you shed the fat? It’s the catechins! These are a part of green tea that get your body to switch over to burning more calories, as well as fat. Unfortunately for the other teas, green tea comes out the winner on many fronts because it’s not as processed as the others, and therefore retains much of its goodness, like antioxidants and phytonutrients that make it a superstar among superfoods.
24. Cinnamon:
Don’t underestimate the power of cinnamon, it’s not just for baking anymore. You can get weight loss benefits simply by adding more cinnamon to your diet, with teaspoon a day showing positive results. What causes the magic? It’s the way that cinnamon helps to regulate your blood glucose levels. These play a major part in how you feel throughout the day, how energetic you are, or how sluggish you can get. Maintaining good blood sugar levels also helps you resist cravings. Just make sure that you’re not counting that cinnamon on your cinnamon roll!
25. Asparagus:
Asparagus has plenty of positive effects in the body, and each of them seems to play a particular role in helping you lose weight. The first is that it assists your body in expelling toxins and other wastes. It also helps with digestion and keeps good bacteria in your gut. Not to mention that it’s a superfood, so it has a ton of vitamins and minerals that help you all-around. A lot of dieters also like the way asparagus tastes, and it’s very easy to prepare, and accepts seasonings and spices very well making it an good addition to your regular menu.
26. Avocado:
Even though the fast food chains have jumped on this trend and are sticking guacamole in everything, eating avocados is a great idea for slimming down. For years they were avoided by dieters because of their fat content, when everything that had fat in it was labeled as evil. Then we got smart and realized that not all fat is created equally and good fats actually help you lose the fat you have. Try adding avocado slices to sandwiches, or mash them up to make your own guac. Try to avoid the guacamole you see in restaurants because you won’t have quality control over the ingredients.
27. Peanut Butter:
This gets special mention for weight loss because it’s a good fat that can be used to help lose fat. It tastes great and can satisfy cravings and even keep them from coming at all. In The Abs Diet peanut butter is recommended for use in smoothies and is labeled a superfood. Almond butter is also a good fat to have that can provide a lot of creamy goodness, but it’s generally more expensive than peanut butter. In any instance opt for the organic varieties so you’re only getting peanuts and potentially sea salt.
28. Salmon:
Salmon contains omega-3 and some diets are built around it. At first glance you might think it’s too fatty to be a weight loss super food, but it doesn’t rank high in saturated fat, the kind that you find in a fast food hamburger, and the omega-3 content trumps any other concerns. This is something that you want to try adding to your diet to see how your body responds to it. If you are getting good results from it you can consider having it more times per week. Luckily there are plenty of good salmon recipes that will keep the fat content low but make it taste great.
29. Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
The enzymes in apple cider vinegar help the digestive system and have been shown to promote gradual weight loss. The recommended way to take it is adding it to distilled water and drinking it before a meal. It will help your food get digested properly so your body can use the nutrients the food contains. It also works to suppress your appetite, so if you find that you become ravenous between meals and are looking for a way to calm your urges until the next meal time, this may be a solution for you.