Benefits of Green Tea

1. Protects Skin From Sun Damage:
This is in reference to green tea being used topically, and in conjunction with sunscreen. The antioxidants it contains can work from the outside in, not just the inside out, and it’s being discovered that while it doesn’t necessarily block the sun’s rays, it does mitigate the damage that is done to the skin from the sun. The free radicals that help UV rays cause damage are neutralized, and the green tea helps with inflammation as well.
2. Tones Skin, Hair, And Muscles:
This is another way to topically use green tea. You don’t even have to drink it to get some of its benefits. When applied to the hair it can help it grow stronger. When you drink it it should help your muscles function at more optimal levels, since it helps them contract. If you want healthier gums it is said that you can simply rinse green tea in your mouth and you’ll see an improvement of gum health.
3. Reduces Psoriasis:
If you’re dealing with the redness and irritation that comes with Psoriasis, you may find some relief by using green tea topically. Research has shown that green tea can help to slow down the production of excess skin cells that seems to be the underlying cause of conditions like psoriasis. It can even help to alter the genes in your body, so this is one powerful all-natural remedy.
4. Reduces Redness In Rosacea:
The redness that rosacea brings is the part that most people are trying to get rid of. The good news for green tea users is that in a controlled study it was shown to provide far superior redness reduction than a placebo. This was from using topical cream infused with green tea. This is most likely due to the calming effect green tea has, as well as the antioxidants going to work on the problem.
5. Prevents Wrinkles:
Those trusty antioxidants are at it again. It seems like there’s no limit to the number of benefits they provide, and since green tea is so dense with them it’s the best bang for your buck as far as anti-aging goes. Several factors of aging hinge on free radical damage, and getting wrinkles is one of them. By keeping your body full of antioxidants it reduces the likelihood of getting wrinkles so you can stay looking younger for longer.
Disease Prevention and Treatment
1. May Treat Multiple Sclerosis:
Recent studies are showing promise in the use of green tea extract to treat MS. The credit goes to the polyphenol antioxidants present in the tea, and they way they help the body’s nerve cells stand up the degrading effects of Multiple Sclerosis. More research must be done in order for this to be applied and successfully used in humans, but the outlook is hopeful, and MS is a disease that has shown to be resilient to different forms of treatment.
2. Helps In Parkinson’s Disease:
The scavenging effects of the antioxidants against the free radicals in the body make green tea a potential prevention and treatment method against Parkinson’s Disease. Free radical damage is at the heart of so many different diseases, it’s essential to fight them daily. Just another reason why you’d want to make sure to have your daily cup of green tea. It simply acts as a prevention method for so many different debilitating conditions.
3. Prevents Memory Loss:
If you’re worried about losing your memory as you get older, it’s important to take steps to try to prevent it from happening. The EGCG in green tea helps brain cells to prosper. So far the tests have been limited to clinical research and trials on mice, but the signs are promising, and since the more we find out about green tea the more it lives up to the claims made about it, it just makes sense to drink it often.
4. Fights Cancer-Causing Cells:
The catechins in green tea are special antioxidants that seek out and destroy free radicals that can do harm to the body’s DNA, setting the stage for cancerous growths. It sounds a bit like a Space Age battle, but it’s actually going on inside your body on a daily basis. That’s why it’s important to get a good number of antioxidants each day, to cut down on the free radical damage and improve your chances of staying cancer-free.
Hopefully we’ve shown that it’s in your best interest to drink at least a cup of green tea each day. The nice thing is that you can adapt it for the seasons. If a steamy hot cup doesn’t seem appealing on a hot summer’s day, pour it over ice and enjoy. While the best benefit is had from drinking it hot, there is also plenty of reason to consume it daily, so whether it’s hot or cold you’re still doing good things for your body, and general well-being.